2022.11.30 up
2022年12月10日(土)開催の”AXEL YO-YO CUP 2022 #AXELYC “ですが、会員登録とエントリーの締め切り(2022年12月3日23:59)まで残り4日となりました!
We are pleased to announce that only 4 days left until the deadline (2022/12/3, 23:59pm ※JST) to register and enter.
This is a deadline that includes all payments, video submissions, etc.
Also, some divisions have already had more than half of the maximum number of members registered, so if you’re thinking about competing, don’t delay!
(Entry slots will be reserved after membership registration and payment are completed.)
We will close it as soon as we reach the maximum number of entries.
To register as a member, go to this page.